It's been a while since our last post. Life and work has just sort of been happening and Tashalaska has been bubbling away in the background as we try and juggle making a living and making a film. Thanks to our contributor David promising us a bear skin rug if we get on with it progress has been made, we now have a trailer. Watch it here...
Trailer Tash from TASHALASKA on Vimeo.
The Edit
Our sequence is taking shape and after a trip to the stationary shop to buy a flip chart and colour coded post it notes we now have what largly resembles a real edit suite in our front room. I guess this equated a bit to work avoidance, like having to tidy your room before you start revising...
Yes, these are actually scenes in this film.
Some stella screen shots if we do say so our selves.
Tea and Cake.
Largely what we have been sustaining ourselves on
Networking on a Shoestring
In other news Tessa is off to Sheffield DocFest this week to plug Tashalaska. Realising she had left it a bit late, an emergency business card production line took place last night in our kitchen...
Thats all for now folks. Thanks again for your support and best of luck to all of you out there growing for Movember!
Until next time...
Big Tash Love!
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