Monday, 15 March 2010

It’s been a while...

...since our last blog from Alaska the home of the 2009 World Beard and Moustache Championships. I arrivied back in June amongst a sea of tapes and minus my wonderful partner in crime Helen who I left behind in Canada.

Below is an extract from a blog I actually wrote in November but never got round to publishing, probably for lack of confidence. I hope it is of use to some of you no budget filmakers out there and better still I hope my future musings might steer you back from the brink of going mildly insane, I nearly did...

This picture was sent to me by a friend, It's what my screen is doing most days.

'Friends; they are invaluable. Not only do they provide emotional support, audience to endless Facebook messages, votes, tweets and enthusiasm when you ask them to a screening of your film they have already seen a million times, they can also be integral to the making of your film. I went to Sheffield DocFest for the first time this year where I partook in Digital Bootcamp, a fantastic workshop run by Shooting People. It was here, after listening Jenny and Mark from Future Artists speak on the subject, that I realised what a wealth of talent I have amongst my friends. Better still, I realised a lot of them are in the same position as me; at the early stage in their prospective careers and trying to carve out a name for themselves.'

Well, no sooner had I jumped off my train from Sheffield than I was enlisting my friends who were delighted to help and better still, excited at the prospect of being part of something outside of their day jobs. As a result of this amazingly talented group of people and a lot of hard work we are about to launch a trailer, a website, some fantastic artwork and a marketing campaign.

'Team Tash' is in full swing! this space

keep up with @Tashalaska on Twitter

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